Monday, December 20, 2004


I've been thinking about the idea of having guest bloggers for the past couple of months, and the idea has finally come to fruition for two reasons. First, the time is right. In the next month I'll have much less time to blog than I have had in the past due to reading a lot of books and writing a lot of Secret Lives for my new book. Second, Neddal Ayad and Iain Rowan are always sending me interesting information about books and other topics. Both have an affinity for noir and general mystery fiction in addition to SF/Fantasy/Horror. I'm very interested in mysteries, so this allows me to read and learn from two individuals who know a lot more about it than I do. And both are extremely talented writers.

So, starting Wednesday or Thursday, Neddal Ayad will take over blogging duties here for a two-week stretch, followed by Iain Rowan. Although I certainly hope they will each have one or two posts about noir, there is no restriction on the subject matter they may cover.

Now for the formal introductions:

Neddal Ayad is a writer and musician who lives in Canada. He specializes in tracking down and interviewing elusive writers such as Thomas Ligotti and Jack O' Connell. His work has appeared on Fantastic Metropolis, Lost Pages, and Crime Culture.

Iain Rowan's fiction has appeared in magazines and anthologies including Postscripts, Black Gate, Ellery Queen's, Alfred Hitchcock's, The Thackery T. Lambshead Pocket Guide to Eccentric & Discredited Diseases, and others. He's currently working on revisions to his first novel. Still. Iain lives in the north-east of England, near the sea but not near enough. Yet. Although he has his own blog, he's never blog-sat before and he just hopes that he can get all of the ugly stains out of the carpet before Jeff
gets back.

And last but not least--I hope everyone is having a very happy and safe holiday season. See you next year.



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