Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Contrary to reports in certain quarters, I am not dead, just busy. But here are a few things to keep ya occupied this morning.

First off, Luis Rodrigues has been working on the Portuguese translation of "Secret Life" (translated as "Vida secreta"), "Transformation of Martin Lake," and a couple of others for a very short book from Livros de Areia. Er, given the other authors in their line, I'm very pleased indeed. Here's an excerpt from the translation:

Interlúdio III

O cheiro no terceiro andar não provinha de nenhum almoço putrefacto, mas sim de um vice-presidente executivo que, tendo perdido uma colher atrás do frigorífico do refeitório certa noite já tarde, caiu com o esforço de a reaver, perdeu os sentidos, e morreu sem um murmúrio naquele espaço apertado, vítima da dieta que o permitira ali caber, passando-se três semanas sem que o encontrassem, sendo todo este episódio um desgosto para a mulher e quatro filhos, para não falar do porteiro de dia que descobriu o corpo e quase o deixou ali, na esperança de que, um dia mais tarde, o branco dos ossos descarnados fosse mais fácil de limpar.

Meanwhile, via Hal Duncan, a link Evil Monkey loves.

And here's a rejection...via Sherry Decker.

And, finally, Lord of Portugal, Rhys Hughes, has a blog that's well worth checking out.



150 crunches
90 bridges
lots of walking

150 crunches
90 bridges
100 pushups
lots of walking

full workout (including 20 sets on the leg press, 700 lbs for 9 then 100 lbs less for the other 11, in sets of two, decreasing weight after each 2, then one last ef-u set for good measure; 1 mile run before workout; 30 minutes bike after; rest the same as last gym workout, except added three sets of assisted squats at 300 lbs for kicks.)


At 7:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That reminds me- is there anywhere in the US where Secret Lives is available yet? Prime Books says it's "To be realeased" in 2005....



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